Science Speaks - Blog by ISAAA

ISAAA Report Calls for Transformative Biosciences and Communication

By Janine Cyren Escasura
May 15, 2024

ISAAA releases its annual report for 2023 titled Transforming Food & Agriculture: Innovations & Conversations, highlighting the organization’s contributions to advancing knowledge sharing, raising awareness, and capacity building. This report features a year of significant milestones and achievements, where ISAAA’s initiatives go beyond information dissemination to foster partnerships and collaborations in diverse stakeholder groups. In 2023, ISAAA strived for impactful and meaningful contributions to biotechnology through strategic efforts and collaborative projects.

ISAAA Inc. (SEAsiaCenter) Accomplishment Highlights

In 2023, ISAAA Inc. nurtures collaboration among key stakeholders, partnering with 17 organizations across the globe to reach a wider audience and achieve significant milestones. “Our mission is to strategize and implement transformative social engagements based on natural sciences and available technologies that are accessible and responsive to global technology needs,” said Dr. Rhodora Romero-Aldemita, Executive Director of ISAAA Inc. Here are ten notable achievements of ISAAA Inc.:

  • ISAAA Inc. capacitates 35 Asian researchers, scientists, regulators, industry representatives, and academics to be competent in agricultural biotechnology regulations and policies through the 6th Asian Short Course on Agribiotechnology, Biosafety Regulation, and Communication (ASCA6).
  • ISAAA Inc. educates more than 140 key players and representatives from the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) economies about the benefits, regulations, and policies for genetically engineered and gene-edited products.
  • ISAAA Inc. continues to raise awareness on gene drive technology, reaching 898 individuals through webinar series and 544,190 individuals through blog articles in Science Speaks.
  • Over 100 participants from Australia and other countries learned the science and applications of gene editing in crops through a conference in Australia organized by ISAAA Inc. and partners.
  • ISAAA Inc. boosts awareness of Filipinos on homegrown biotech products, reaching more than 8,400 individuals through seminars, online platforms, magazines, and radio programs of the Pinoy Biotek project.
  • ISAAA Inc. fills in the knowledge gap among the general public by engaging more than 22,000 individuals through social media campaigns and exhibits of the Know the Science project during the 19th National Biotechnology Week.
  • 882 key players in livestock and aquaculture sectors were enlightened on the impact of biotechnology in their industries through the webinar series on animal biotechnology and public consultations in the Philippines with BSAFE.
  • ISAAA Inc. recorded more than 5,926 combined views on the resource pages of gene editing and animal biotechnology, promoting greater understanding and a wider acceptance and adoption of technologies.
  • ISAAA Inc. advances Philippine agri-biotech capacity through an e-learning training program called the Progressive Manpower Enhancement Program (PMEP).
  • ISAAA Inc. and partners reached nearly 1,000 stakeholders in the Philippines representing the youth, public and private sectors, the Judiciary, and the House of Representatives through the Biotech Outreach Program.

Aside from these groundbreaking activities and programs, ISAAA Inc. also leverages various flagship resources such as the Biotech Updates, GM Approval Database (GMAD), Science Speaks, and the social media platforms on Facebook, Instagram, X, LinkedIn, and Tiktok, reaching 15.5 billion individuals worldwide.

ISAAA AfriCenter Accomplishment Highlights

ISAAA AfriCenter also recorded significant contributions to transforming Africa’s agricultural sector by facilitating a multi-sectoral approach to development. AfriCenter has also collaborated with various stakeholders and partners in combating misinformation and promoting favorable policies for modern biotechnology. Here are some of ISAAA AfriCenter’s achievements in the past year:

  • ISAAA AfriCenter continues to engage with policymakers and regulators through strategic meetings and biosafety workshops to foster a favorable regulatory environment in the region.
  • ISAAA AfriCenter launched the Africa Science Dialogue which connects experts, journalists, and the general public to foster greater acceptance of scientific innovations in Africa.
  • The Africa Bio-innovation Hub (AfriBIOHub) empowers early career scientists and bio-innovators in Africa through training programs and mentorships to accelerate the potential of their innovations.
  • Over 180 delegates from 23 countries participated in the Africa Biennial Biosciences Communication (ABBC2023) Symposium, discussing the best-bet science communication practices in the region.
  • ISAAA AfriCenter led stakeholders in the formulation of Kenya’s National Research and Development Policy, which seeks to create an inclusive environment to enhance research capacities and capabilities in Kenya.
  • Over 80 million positive media impressions were recorded through the 20 media events in Ethiopia, Kenya, Namibia, and Zimbabwe.

Future Directions and Ways Forward

For the past decades, biotechnology has faced hurdles and challenges in commercializing biotech products. Despite the extensive literature proving the safe use of biotech products, the industry still needs to overcome barriers stemming from misinformation and disinformation. This necessitates a transformative communication of biosciences, highlighting a science-based and evidence-based approach to communicating biotech.

This has been the core value of ISAAA’s branding and messaging for years. ISAAA amplifies the voice of various stakeholders, highlighting dynamic partnerships to facilitate meaningful initiatives and interventions. “ISAAA continues to be viewed as a reliable partner and a trusted broker of scientific knowledge that benefits developing countries,” said Dr. Paul Teng, Chair and ISAAA Board of Trustees. With this, ISAAA continues to fulfill its mission to lead effective science communication for greater appreciation and acceptance of biosciences across different regions.

Download the ISAAA 2023 Accomplishment Report for more information. For inquiries on partnerships, send an email to

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