Gene Drives as an Emerging Biotechnology for Agriculture and Biodiversity Conservation
ISAAA Inc., in collaboration with the Philippine Agriculture and Fisheries Biotechnology Program of the Department of Agriculture (DA Biotech Program Office), gathered over 180 participants during the webinar Leading Breakthroughs: Gene Drives for a Sustainable Agriculture and Biodiversity Conservation on December 9, 2024, via Zoom. The webinar is part of the series intended to provide information on recent developments in new and emerging biotechnology tools and products.
Blog Archive
Bt Cotton Shows Adaptability in Ilocos Region
Closing the STEM Gap: Empowering Women in Science
Leaders of Change: The Legacy of Filipino Biotech Champions
Biotech Breakthroughs: New Products of Biotechnology for Consumers
The First Decade of CRISPR: Advances and Outlook
Gene Editing Made Simpler for the Youth
Science Speaks is ISAAA Inc.'s official blog. Weekly blog articles, authored by ISAAA writers, partners, and invited contributors, aim to help share, disseminate, and promote scientific knowledge and its vital role in achieving global agricultural sustainability and development. Your support to Science Speaks will help us achieve this goal. You can help us by donating as little as $10.