Biotech Updates

Brazil's Farmers Earn More with GM Seeds

April 20, 2012

A new study by Celeres and the Brazilian Seed and Seedling Association (ABRASEM) revealed one more advantage of using genetically modified (GM) seeds. According to the study, in 2011, for every US$1 invested in a bag of GM seeds, Brazilian farmers earned an average of US$2.61 for corn,US$1.59 for soybean, and US$.59 for cotton.

Aside from looking into the impact of GM seeds on Brazilian farmers, the study also assessed the benefits of biotechnology for the environment and the sustainability of Brazil's agribusiness. Anderson Galvao, coordinator of the economic study said that calculating the increase in operating margin of farm output was done for the first time. He said that as a result, "we were able to translate the economic advantages to a reality that is much closer to the Brazilian farmer."

The Chairman of ABRASEM, Narciso Barison Neto said that results of the study will be shared to all Brazilian farmers to help them in their decision making.

The full report is available at ABRASEM's website: