Biotech Updates

Embrapa Provides a Portuguese Version of the Descriptors of Rice

June 24, 2011

Embrapa Rice and Beans has recently released the Portuguese version of the document "Descriptors for wild and cultivated rice (Oryza spp.)", produced by Bioversity International, Rome (Italy), Africa Rice Center - WARDA, Cotonou (Benin) and International Rice Institute Research - IRRI, Los Baños (Philippines). The consultation document is intended for researchers, teachers and students of agronomy and related areas. The list of descriptors is used internationally for the genus Oryza, with data specific to the wild and cultivated germplasm, elements that are very useful for researchers in the areas of genetic resources, botany, plant breeding and the like.

This translation was initiated by the Embrapa Rice and Beans institutions that requested the study authors for permission to translate the material in view of the importance of rice in Brazil and the significant contribution of  researchers in the rice production chain.

The Rice Descriptor is available at the Bioversity International website: Suggestions for improving the document will be well accepted by Bioversity, IRRI, AfricaRice and Embrapa. See the news in Portuguese at