Biotech Updates

Stakeholder's Interface on GM Food Crops

April 29, 2011

A "Stakeholders' interface on GM food crops" is being organized by the Asia-Pacific Consortium on Agricultural Biotechnology (ApCoAB) and Trust for Advancement of Agricultural Sciences (TAAS) and National Seed Association of India (NSAI) on  May 19, 2011 in New Delhi, India.

The meeting aims to discuss all the relevant issues related to potential of GM food crops vis-à-vis their economic, health and environmental impact. In the wake of recent decision on Bt brinjal in India, there is an urgent need for a well informed discussion among all the stakeholders to clear the wrong perceptions and address real concerns so as to develop an unbiased opinion regarding development of GM food crops. The meeting will enable consensus building among stakeholders and promoting appropriate technologies and policies for agricultural development in the Asia-Pacific region.

For more information and copy of the program visit