Biotech Updates

New Era for Queensland Agriculture and Food Research

October 22, 2010

A new research partnership has been formed between the University of Queensland (UQ) and the Queensland Government's Department of Employment, Economic Development and Innovation (DEEDI) called The Queensland Alliance for Agriculture and Food Innovation (QAAFI). The initiative is hoped to boost Queensland's position as an international leader in tropical and sub-tropical agriculture and food research.

QAAFI will incorporate research activities of three centers: Nutrition and Food Sciences, Plant Science and Animal Science and will work closely with industry, government and other stakeholders to address strategic food security issues. In addition, the joint initiative will explore new areas of research including genomics to create new innovations for the State's food and agribusiness. There will be new opportunities for young scientists to engage in research that will support the beef, dairy, crop and horticulture industries that would lead to national programs in food, nutrition and biosecurity.

Details of the story can be viewed at