Biotech Updates

Public Biotech Research Towards Food Security and Sustainable Agriculture

October 15, 2010

The Fifth Meeting of the Parties to the Cartagena Protocol (COP-MOP5) is being held in Nagoya, Japan on 11 -15 October 2010. In a press release, the Public Research and Regulation Initiative (PPRI), announced that in the meeting, "tens of thousands of biotechnology researchers in thousands of public research institutes in developing and developed countries strive towards alleviating poverty, sustainable agricultural production, assuring food safety and quality and conservation of the environment."

Selected participants voiced their views on how biotechnology has improved people's lives in their countries and are looking forward to how the meeting could open important strategies towards access and availability of biotechnology and its products in their countries. A call for researchers and regulators was also made to promote a sustainable approach in agriculture to ensure that every person is adequately fed and poverty is alleviated in the world.

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