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UK Support for Global Food Security

June 25, 2010

The United Kingdom must act first and act now to help set the (hunger) agenda. This was the conclusion of a report on Why no thought for food? A UK Parliamentary inquiry into global food security published by the All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Agriculture and Food for Development. This publication sought to provide recommendations on how the UK can respond to the global problem of hunger noting that food is not just a domestic concern. Among the recommendations of the report are:

  • Re-establish agriculture and food at the center of the Department for International Development's fight against poverty by providing political leadership to address threats posed by food insecurity.
  • Re-focus on agriculture and extension through education and training for farmers in developing countries.
  • Legislate for change to ensure that policy makers actively promote individual's right to food in domestic legislation.

In the report's foreword, David Curry and Lord Cameron, co-chair of the APPG on Agriculture and Food for Development, note that there is a need to "implement fundamental changes to the way in which agriculture is practiced if hunger is to be averted in ways that will ensure equity and restore the environment."

Download the full report at