Biotech Updates

Wheat Rust Website Launched

June 4, 2010

The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) has launched Rust SPORE, a website to track the advance of Ug99, the devastating strain of wheat stem rust disease, and other wheat rusts. Up-to-date information from national surveillance teams in cooperating countries will be available with regards the status of wheat stem rust and new strains that might occur. Rust SPORE is part of FAO's Wheat Rust Disease Global Programme.

"Emergence of the Ug99 races in East Africa transformed stem rust from a disease largely under control into a significant global threat," said David Hodson, FAO's international focal point for wheat rust disease. "Ug99 is like the flu virus, it evolves continuously. The continued spread of Ug99, and the appearance of new variants that have broken down even more key resistance genes is increasing the danger it poses."

While presently focused on stem rust and Ug99, the website will eventually incorporate other wheat rust threats.

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