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Implementing Holistic Food Policies: Strategy for Improving National Security

May 21, 2010

"Increased agricultural productivity in developing countries can increase national security, but it requires supportive governments, a holistic approach, and local implementation," said Paul E. Schickler, president of DuPont business Pioneer Hi-Bred to the attendees of The Chicago Council's Symposium on Global Agriculture and Food Security on May 20, 2010.

The symposium was attended by senior leaders from the Obama administration, U.S. Congress, business, policy, NGO and international organizations to discuss policies and execute strategies for food security in the USA and the rest of the world. The Obama administration claims that food security is an important component of national security, and this can be achieved by implementing holistic food policies involving both the public and private sectors. According to Schickler, the partnership of DuPont and Uttar Pradesh Government's Department of Agriculture in India is an example of applying holistic strategies in enhancing livelihoods and food availability. This partnership was initiated to optimize farmers inputs and increase their net income. Aside from that, the farmers will undergo agronomic and technical training and will also be guided during the critical phases of development.

"Recognition of the role that agricultural development can play in a country's economic development, stability and security is critical," said Schickler. "The difference between a farmer having access to improved farming practices or not can often be traced to a country's supporting structures and policies."

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