Biotech Updates

NEPAD-MSU Partnership to Bolster Africa‘s Biosafety Capacity

February 29, 2008

The New Partnership for Africa’s Development (NEPAD) and Michigan State University (MSU) announced a $1.5 million grant to MSU from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to bolster Africa’s biosafety expertise. The partners will develop the African Biosafety Network of Expertise (ABNE) to help regulators access the most up-to-date training, data, and resources needed to properly regulate biotechnologies, ensuring countries are able to take full advantage of advances while safeguarding consumers and the environment. The ABNE will be developed under the Biosciences Initiative, which comprises a cluster of life sciences flagship programs of the Africa’s Science and Technology Consolidated Plan of Action (CPA), an African-led plan endorsed by the African Union (AU) Heads of State and Government. The grant will support the first phase of a long-term project.

The NEPAD-MSU partnership will collaborate with Development Alternatives, Inc. to ensure the network meets local and regional needs. ”This project will allow African countries to start implementing some of the recommendations of the AU/NEPAD High Level Panel on Biotechnology”, said John Mugabe, director of NEPAD’s Office of Science and Technology. The establishment of appropriate regulatory measures was a key recommendation in a recent report by the AU/NEPAD High Level Panel on Modern Biotechnology.

For more information email Prof. Aggrey Ambali at