Biotech Updates

NaCRRI Hosts ABNE Technical Advisory Team, Looks into Strengthening Biosafety Capacity

December 1, 2016

The National Crops Resources Research Institute (NaCRRI) hosted the African Biosafety Network of Expertise (ABNE) Technical Advisory Committee at its campus at Namulonge on November 18, 2016.

The purpose of the TAC visit at NaCRRI was to explore the human, infrastructural and equipment capacity for the development of biotech products and for biosafety compliance especially in conducting safety assessment tests. TAC was also keen to see the progress with GM crop development and testing at NaCRRI and identify capacity gaps for ABNE's appropriate action.

The visit by TAC came at an opportune moment as the country looks into strengthening its biosafety capacity prior to the commercialization of GM crops.

Strengthening capacity in biosafety will be a fundamental boost to NaCRRI, a regional leader in crop biotech research, and offer much needed impetus to advance on-going modern agriculture research and development at the institute to ensure national food security.

For more information, contact the UBIC Coordinator at