Biotech Updates

Lipid Transfer Protein OsLTPL36 Essential in Seed Development and Seed Quality in Rice

September 9, 2015

Storage lipid is a vital component of seed storage substances and valuable for rice quality. However, lipid transport-related genes and their function in seed development are still not well understood.

A team led by Xin Wang of the Huazhong Agricultural University in China identified OsLTPL36, a lipid transport protein, and its specific expression in developing rice seed coat and endosperm. Down-regulated expression of OsLTPL36 led to decreased seed setting rate and 1000-grain weight in transgenic plants.

The researchers found that engineered lines with suppressed expression of OsLTPL36 exhibited chalky endosperm and had reduced fat acid content compared to wild types. Delayed embryo development, impeded seed germination and puny seedlings were also observed in the OsLTPL36 RNAi lines.

The results suggest that OsLTPL36, a lipid transporter, is critical for seed quality in seed development and germination in rice.

For more information on the study, see the article at Plant Science.