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UN Report: Fewer Hungry People Worldwide

June 10, 2015

The number of hungry people has decreased to about 795 million worldwide, 216 million less than the number recorded in early 1990s. This is according to the latest report of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) on The State of Food Insecurity in the World 2015. The report covers the progress in achieving the Millennium Development Goal (MDG1) and World Food Summit hunger targets, and recommends actions for the transition to the new post-2015 Sustainable Development Agenda.

The decline in the number of undernourished individuals is reported to be more evident in developing regions, despite significant increase in population. More than half or 79 out of 129 developing countries monitored have achieved the MDG1c hunger target, which requires the proportion of undernourished individuals in the total population be reduced by half from 1990 to 2015.

Download a copy of the report from FAO.