Biotech Updates

Developing a Bacterial Cold Water Resistant Trout

October 15, 2014

Scientists from the USDA Agricultural Research Service's National Center for Cool and Cold Water Aquaculture have developed a trout line resistant to bacterial cold water disease caused by Flavobacterium psychrophilum. This pathogen has caused death to young and small cold-fish water and affect the growth and yield of larger fish.

Recent findings on the field trials of trout line under farm conditions show a higher survival of disease resistant trout with a smaller incidence of the trout harboring the pathogen in the internal tissues observed compared to its non-resistant trout. To further verify the results, a real-time polymerase chain reaction was developed which works by recognizing the pathogen and measures its amount in the fish tissue. No F. psychrophilum was observed on the disease resistant trout from the farm trial. Further study also indicates that the spleen size in trout has a common genetic link between its disease resistance, but studies are still ongoing to further identify the genes responsible for it.

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