Biotech Updates

Gene that Makes the Roots of Plants Grow Downward Discovered

November 13, 2013

A research team led by the National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences (NIAS) in Japan, which includes scientists from the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT), has discovered the DEEPER ROOTING 1 (DRO1) gene that makes the roots of rice plants grow downward instead of outward. This allows the plants to reach water held deeper in the soil. Plants withDRO1 can continue to grow and produce grain even under extreme water stress.

Scientists found the DRO1 gene in a deep-rooting upland rice variety from the Philippines locally known as Kinandang Patong. Joe Tohme, director of CIAT's Agrobiodiversity Research Area, said that the discovery of the DRO1 gene is a significant breakthrough in research to adapt food crops to water stress, especially as farmers around the world begin to feel the pressure of climate change on water availability.

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