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B4FA Releases Book on Future of Africa and Contribution of Biosciences

April 24, 2013

Biosciences for Farming in Africa (B4FA) published a book written by experts in Africa explaining the benefits of GM technology in improving agriculture in simple language. The book titled Insights: Africa's Future…Can Biosciences Contribute? contains 18 personal essays addressing the grand challenge for scientists and entrepreneurs: how to produce 70 percent more food sustainably, enough to feed the expected world population of 9 billion in 2050.

One of the essays was authored by Dr. Margaret Karembu, Director of ISAAA AfriCenter. She emphasized the importance of informing and engaging the youth in modern agriculture. "With better opportunities for access to technologies, entrepreneurial skills and social marketing, young people could funnel their youthful idealism, energy and determination into a positive force for change within the agricultural sector. This would ultimately result in sustainable production of the food required to support the growing population in Africa," she explains.

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