Biotech Updates

Petai Belalang's Potential In Biotech Industry Is High: Najib

October 24, 2012

Malaysia Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Abdul Razak said the planting of the petai belalang (Leucaena leucocephala), could give a positive impact in the development of the country's biotechnology industry. The plant is an important raw material for the production of biopolymer and biochemical products. Petai belalang that will be used as feedstock by the biotech players in Kertih BioPolymer is expected to benefit some 3,000 local smallholders, who have the potential of earning an additional monthly income of about RM2,500 each.

"I want to encourage the planting of this petai belalang as it is an eco-friendly product and can provide a positive impact on our environment. It will also provide our farmers an alternative," he told reporters after officiating the groundbreaking ceremony for the Green Bio L-Methionine and Thiochemicals integrated Plant at the Kerteh Biopolymer Park in Terengganu. The RM2 billion project, occupying 70 hectares in area, is a joint project between CJ CheilJedang from Korea and France-based Arkema's thiochemicals platform. It is due to start operations in December 2013.

To learn more about this project, contact Malaysian Biotechnology Corporation at .