GM Rice: Will This Lead the Way for Global Acceptance of GM Crop Technology?

ISAAA Brief 28-2003

Price: $ 0.00
Description: Due to the importance of rice in the developing world and the significant part played by the public sector in providing new rice crop technology, the drive to apply GM technology to rice may well result in faster acceptance of the technology in rice than would be the case for other crops. Rice, therefore has the potential to act as a catalyst to the wider adoption and acceptance of GM crop technology.
Author: Graham Brookes and Peter Barfoot
Published by: ISAAA
Copyright: ISAAA
Correct citation: Brookes, G. and P. Barfoot. GM Rice: Will This Lead the Way for Global Acceptance of GM Crop Technology? ISAAA Briefs No. 28. ISAAA: Ithaca, NY.
ISBN: 1-892456-33-8
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