Global Status of Commercialized Transgenic Crops: 2000

ISAAA Brief 23-2000

Price: $ 25.00
Description: This publication is the fifth in a series of ISAAA Briefs, which characterize the global adoption of commercialized transgenic crops. A global database for the first five-year period for GM crops, 1996 to 2000, is presented and 2000 data is analyzed globally, and by country, crop and trait. Data on the global status of transgenic crops are complemented with commentaries on relevant key topics including: the value of the transgenic seed market in the context of the global crop protection and seed markets; status of regulation in Europe; a review of alliances, acquisitions and activities in the biotechnology industry; a review of selected highlights featuring transgenic crops during the last year, and an assessment of the broadening political and institutional support for GM crops globally; an overview of the attributes and economic benefits/advantages associated with transgenic crops and finally some concluding comments about the future.
Author: Clive James
Published by: ISAAA
Copyright: ISAAA
Correct citation: James, C. 2001. Global Status of Commercialized Transgenic Crops: 2000. ISAAA Briefs No. 23. ISAAA: Ithaca, NY
ISBN: 1-892456-27-3
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