Connecting People to the Promise of Biotech: Update of the ISAAA Fellowship Program in Africa and Southeast Asia

ISAAA Brief 15-2000

Price: $ 25.00
Description: ISAAA’s Private Sector Biotechnology Fellowship Program invests in people to link national agricultural institutes in developing countries with other public-sector institutes and the private-sector in industrialized countries. Awarded to researchers and policy makers from developing countries who are leaders in their fields, the Fellowships bring people face to face to exchange ideas, learn new skills, and discover mutually beneficial solutions to the hunger and poverty problems of developing countries.
Author: David P. Alvarez
Published by: ISAAA
Copyright: ISAAA
Correct citation: Alvarez, D.P. 2000. Connecting People to the Promise of Biotech: Update of the ISAAA Fellowship Program in Africa and Southeast Asia. ISAAA Briefs No.15. ISAAA: Ithaca,NY.
ISBN: 1-892456-19-2
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