Biotech Updates

Updates on Sustainable Aviation Biofuels Development

October 30, 2009

The bioenergysite website reports the recent meeting of Giovanni Bisignani (IATA Director General and CEO) with UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon, to present the aviation industry's strategy and targets with respect to the development of sustainable aviation biofuels. Among the highlights of the presentation are: (1) Among the three biggest opportunities for emission reduction in the aviation industry (technology, infrastructure and sustainable biofuels), sustainable biofuels is said to offer the most excitement, because "for the first time, air transport has the possibility of an alternative to traditional jet fuel", (2) focus is presently on camelina, jatropha and algae, because these feedstocks do not compete for land or water with food crops, and these also have the potential to reduce our carbon footprint by up to 80%, (3) four test flights using blends of sustainable biofuels have shown that they meet the technical and safety standards for use in commercial aviation; certification is expected by the year 2011, at the latest..