Biotech Updates

Watermelon Wastes for Biofuel Ethanol Production

May 29, 2009

Watermelons have recently been used as raw materials for the production of neutraceuticals, such as lycopene. Watermelon processing generates "watermelon waste" streams (pulp, juice, and rind) which can be used as raw material for ethanol fermentation. Scientists from the Agricultural Research Service of the United States Department of Agriculture  are investigating optimum conditions for the conversion of watermelon into ethanol. The project team is composed of Wayne Fisher and Benny Bruton. Their approach involves (1) direct fermentation of watermelon juice to ethanol and/or (2) chemical or enzymatic conversion of the pulp/rind to simple sugars, followed by ethanol fermentation. For the fermentation aspects, the research will (1) develop a "robust and productive" yeast strain for ethanol fermentation and (2) obtain the optimum fermentation conditions including pH, temperature, and antifoam addition..