Philippine National Biotechnology Week Spotlights Business Opportunities in the Biotech Sector
The Philippines celebrates the 18th National Biotechnology Week (NBW) on November 21-25, 2022 at the Philippine Trade Training Center. This year’s theme is Responding to Challenges: Business Opportunities in Biotechnology. The activities are led by the Department of Trade and Industry.
Created by virtue of Presidential Proclamation No. 1414, the NBW is celebrated every third week of November to highlight the many contributions of biotechnology in agriculture and food security, equitable health care services, development of industries and business enterprises, sustainable environment, and economic development, among others. Different national government agencies, non-government organizations, state colleges and universities, and private academic institutions participate in the event.
NBW Activities
Various activities will be held during the week-long celebration, including exhibitions, forums, webinars, and recognition programs. One of the highlights of the NBW is the Forum on Philippine Biotech Regulations organized by the Southeast Asian Regional Center for Graduate Study and Research in Agriculture (SEARCA), in partnership with ISAAA Inc. and CropLife Asia, Philippine Agriculture and Fisheries Biotechnology Program (DA Biotech Program), Biotechnology Coalition of the Philippines, the International Rice Research Institute, and the Philippine Rice Research Institute. It will be held on November 21, 2022, from 1:30 to 3:00 PM at the Philippine Trade Training Center. It will also be streamed via Zoom and through the ISAAA Facebook and Youtube pages.
Build-up Activities
In preparation for the NBW celebration, ISAAA Inc., SEARCA, and the DA Biotech Program organized the Know the Science (KTS) Webinar Series. The first webinar, which tackled updates on biotech corn and Golden Rice, was held on October 11, 2022. The second and final webinar will be held on November 3, 2022, and will cover updates on the research and development of Pinoy biotech crops. Dr. Edison C. Riñen, Bt Cotton Project Leader from the Philippine Fiber Industry Development Authority, and Dr. Abraham Manalo, Assistant Professor at the National College of Public Administration and Governance, University of the Philippines Diliman, will be the resource speakers. Register now on Zoom to join the webinar.
Aside from the KTS webinars, the DA Livestock Biotechnology Center also held a Technical Symposium on Livestock Biotechnology Global Updates on October 18-19, 2022 at the Philippine Carabao Center Headquarters. A photo essay contest is also being conducted by the Department of Environment and Natural Resources.
Follow the NBW Facebook page for more updates on the activities.
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