Biotech Updates

New GRDC Study on No Till Farming and Its Effects

July 13, 2012

A Grains Research and Development Corporation (GRDC) project led by Dr. Yang Dash of the Department of Science, Information Technology, Innovation and the Arts will investigate in detail the no till farming systems and related issues on weed and disease pressure and nutrient stratification. The research will tackle multi-faceted measurements that include agronomic, chemical, physical, biological, and profitability which will include the impact of the strategic tillage in terms of economic returns as well as biophysical and productivity effects.

The trial sites will be conducted in Walgett, NSW and Condamine, Moonie, Warwick, and Biloela, Queensland - areas considered for their specific issues on no till farming systems, different soil types and agro-climatic zones. An information and extension package will be developed as one of the outputs of the project.

For more on this news, see