Biotech Updates

The Importance of Addressing Stacked Traits Issues in Agbiotech Dev't Projects

June 22, 2012

Scientists at the University of Toronto discussed in an article the importance of trait stacking for biotech crops in developing trust for agri-biotech development projects. According to Obidimma Ezezika and colleagues, there is an advance in the agri-biotech humanitarian projects for food security and this will be sustained over the next years. However, it is important that these projects build trust with the public especially the farmers, who would directly benefit from the results of the projects.

Based on the authors' social audit engagement with the Water Efficient Maize for Africa Project, it was revealed that stacking traits in biotech crops is an unrecognized component of building trust with farmers. The concerns about stacked traits must be publicly addressed to increase the potential of all partners and stakeholders to generate mutually advantageous solutions and enhance opportunities to build trust.

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