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FAO: End Hunger and Malnutrition to Achieve Sustainable Dev't

June 1, 2012

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) released a policy report for the Rio+20 Summit to be held on June 20-22, 2012 in Rio de Janeiro. According to the report, sustainable development is impossible without ending hunger and malnutrition.

FAO Director General José Graziano da Silva, said: "The quest for food security can be the common thread that links the different challenges we face and helps build a sustainable future. At the Rio Summit we have the golden opportunity to explore the convergence between the agendas of food security and sustainability to ensure that happens."

The report calls the attention of governments to establish and protect the rights to resources, especially for the poor; add incentives for sustainable consumption and production into food systems; promote fair and well-functioning agricultural and food markets; decrease risks and increase the resilience to the most vulnerable; invest public funds in important public goods, such as innovation and infrastructure.

Read the original article at Download a copy of the policy report at