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New Vision for Agriculture Outlined in Report

February 3, 2012

The World Economic Forum (WEF), an independent international organization, has mapped out an action agenda in a report Putting the new vision for agriculture into action: A transformation is happening to help national leaders to accelerate and expand collaboration on both global and country levels. The report was prepared by the WEF New Vision for Agriculture Initiative in collaboration with McKinsey and Company.

Specifically, the report was developed "in response to the growing global demand for a set of concrete actions global and regional stakeholders can take to achieve the goals of the New Vision: to simultaneously advance economic growth, global food security and environmental sustainability through market-based approaches."

The New Vision for Agriculture sets goals of 20 percent improvement per decade on each of its three goals: economic growth and opportunity, food security and nutrition, and environmental sustainability. The Initiative is lead by 26 global partner companies.

Download a copy of the report at