Biotech Updates

Important Enzyme in Vitamin C Biosynthesis Discovered

August 31, 2007

Vitamin C is an essential vitamin that the body needs to perform crucial metabolic functions that help rebuild body tissues and fight infection and disease. Deficiency in Vitamin C can cause the sailor disease called scurvy. Vitamin C was discovered in the early 1930s and is plentiful in fresh fruits. Vitamin C pills are popular but their overdose can injure the kidney. Fruit source is preferred since the Vitamin is absorbed slowly and efficiently in the body and fruits provide other healthy nutrients as well as fiber.

Recently, a Horts Research team in New Zealand isolated from unedible kiwifruit variety the last undiscovered enzyme in the pathway in Vitamin C biosynthesis and proved that the enzyme controlled Vitamin C levels in plants. Dr. Sean Bulley and the other scientists in the research team will use this new knowledge to identify molecular markers that will enable them to select and breed fruits that contain high levels of Vitamin C. This technology can therefore provide consumers a natural, convenient and healthy opportunity to increase their Vitamin C intake, while also enjoying all the added benefits of eating whole fruits.

See the press release at