Biotech Updates

Hard White Winter Wheat Registered for Planting in Ontario, Canada

June 3, 2011

White wheat bread will soon be available in Eastern Canada. The Eastern Canada standards committee of the Canadian Grain Commission called for a new grade schedule for Canada Eastern hard white winter wheat called Whitebear, a new variety of hard wheat. This year, Whitebear is registered for production in Ontario, Canada.

According to Crosby Devitt, manager of market development and research for Grain Farmers of Ontario, hard white winter is different class from soft white winter, soft red winter and hard red winter wheat classes. Each class can have different varieties but at present, Whitebear is the only variety in the hard white winter class. He also stressed that Whitebear " has potentially more value" because it can be used in making Asian noodles and white bread that's whole wheat. Since most children prefer white bread, this new variety will help parents to feed their children with a more healthful kind of bread.

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