Biotech Updates

Genetically Modified Crops Can Be Sustainable

May 20, 2011

The Dutch Ministry of EL & I recently published the results of a study in a Report on Sustainability of GM Crop Cultivation. The research was conducted by Wageningen UR Institutes: Plant Research International and LEI, in partnership with consultancy CREM BV and Aidenenvironment.

The Report highlighted the fact that genetically modified (GM) crops are similar to other innovations in agriculture, where People, Planet, and Profit (3Ps) depend on the local context in addition to the trait, crop species, and production method. The study also showed that commercially available GM crops can make a positive contribution to the 3Ps if there is favorable regional, institutional environment and degree of integration within good agricultural practice. GM crops with new traits other than herbicide tolerance and insect resistance should also be evaluated on a case by case basis for their potential effect on sustainability.

For more on this news, see the original article at The full report in English is at