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EU’s Top Scientific Body Reconfirms Safety of GM Maize

July 3, 2009

The GMO Panel of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA), EU's top food watchdog, has issued a new scientific opinion on the safety and renewal of authorization for continued marketing of the insect-resistant maize MON810, the only genetically modified crop approved for by the EU for commercial cultivation throughout the European bloc. According to EFSA, the GM maize "is as safe as its conventional counterpart with respect to potential effects on human and animal health." The GMO panel also noted that "maize MON810 is unlikely to have any adverse effect on the environment in the context of its intended uses, especially if appropriate management measures are put in place in order to mitigate possible exposure of non-target Lepidoptera."

In delivering its scientific opinion, EFSA considered information supplied by Monsanto, the developer of the GM maize; the scientific comments submitted by EU Member States; the report of the Spanish Competent Authority and its Biosafety Commission; and relevant information published in the scientific literature, including studies on the effect of the Cry1Ab protein on non-target arthropods such as bees, water-based insects and ladybugs.

Download the full report at A summary of the scientific opinion is available at