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South Asian Women Farmers Should Reap Benefits of Agriculture

August 15, 2008

A two day conference on “Women in Agriculture in South Asia”, was organized by the Aga Khan Foundation (AKF) and the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI), and supported by the European Commission to highlight challenges and strategies facing women in agriculture in this region. Although women in this region comprise most of the work force in the agricultural sector, they have limited access and control of resources, in accessing markets and business development services, and their low social status undermine their ability to provide food, generate income, and ensure adequate nutrition for themselves and their children.

The conference therefore focuses on three areas affecting South Asian women involved in agriculture including: (1) access to productive resources and services; (2) access to markets and market opportunities; and (3) access to food and the corresponding impact on nutrition. "If South Asian women involved in agriculture are to succeed, future efforts must focus on increasing their empowerment and their control of critical resources," said Christopher Gibbs, CEO, Aga Khan Foundation India.

For details, please see the press release at:.