Biotech Updates

Researchers Identify Broccoli Genes for Freshness

November 17, 2021

A team of scientists at the University of Florida, Kansas State University, and Virginia Tech has found the genes to slow down the wilting and yellowing of broccoli when it is harvested.

As soon as a head of broccoli is harvested, an internal clock for freshness starts counting down, and the crisp green crown soon wilts and yellows. To understand what causes this transformation, the research team investigated the genes responsible for the molecular changes inside broccoli as it ages.

The genes that the researchers found are involved in broccoli senescence. These genes are aptly named SAGs, or senescence associated genes. While more research is needed to further understand SAGs, what they learned about broccoli could be applied to other crops, the researchers said.

For more details, read the news article on the University of Florida website.

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