Biotech Updates

TALENs and Other Molecular Tools to Help Prevent the Next Plant Pandemic

May 19, 2021

In the last 100 years, there have been over a dozen plant pandemics that affected key food crops. With the rapidly increasing world population and the massive impact of climate change, failing to innovate ways to make crops resilient to diseases can make millions go hungry, according to 2Blades Foundation's video titled The Work of Our Lives.

2Blades Foundation believes that scientists must take part in preventing the next food pandemic that could gravely affect global food security. Through their projects, they are working with non-profit organizations and the private sector to find durable disease resistance against wheat stem rust, Asian soybean rust, and corn rots using molecular tools. 2Blades also holds exclusive global rights to TALENs gene-editing platform in plants, which they share with international agricultural agencies at no cost. TALENs have been proven to combat pests and disease of rice, potato, and wheat; as well as improve crop yields and resistance to climate change.

Watch the video for more details.

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