Biotech Updates

European Commission Grants Import Permit for Corn Rootworm Resistant Corn

July 31, 2019

Source: Syngenta US
On July 29, 2019, the European Commission granted import approval to Syngenta for Agrisure Duracade® to help control corn rootworm (CRW).

The Agrisure Duracade® trait (event 5307) offers a healthier corn crop and higher yield potential through a new trait rotational option for CRW management. Syngenta says that the trait is different from the other traits available in the market. It has a unique mode of action to control CRW by expressing a protein that binds differently in the CRW's gut and is stacked with a proven mode of action against the pest. This results in a 4.1 bushel-per-acre advantage over their products that did not have the trait.

Using the seeds with Agrisure Duracade® trait has following benefits: (1) having less damage from insects that feed on the corn's ear, stalks and leaves, (2) a better crop stand, and (3) having a more robust corn root system underground.

The said approval from the European Commission covers all corn grain and corn-derived products for food and feed use in the EU's member countries. This allows European corn farmers better access to the trait, thus helping them protect and maximize their annual yield.

Read more about the news from Syngenta US and more about Agrisure Duracare®.

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