Biotech Updates

Value Assessment Trial of GM Maize Shows Benefits of Biotech

June 26, 2019

CropLife Pakistan conducted a value assessment trial of genetically modified (GM) maize seed technology to exhibit benefits of biotechnology and allow key stakeholders to observe first-hand the performance of the GM maize hybrids in the field. The event emphasized the importance of cultivating GM maize in Pakistan to move from subsistence farming practices to more technologically advanced commercial farming.

Muhammad Asim, Chair of CropLife Pakistan Biotech and Seed Committee briefed the media on the importance of adopting biotechnology for Pakistan. Pakistan Agriculture Research Council (PARC) in National Uniform Yield Trials (NUYT) reported that the yield advantage falls between 10% and 45% for biotech maize hybrids against traditional hybrids. Globally, the countries that adopted biotech crops have experienced various benefits including increase in average yields. The U.S., for example, improved its average yield by 56% while the average maize crop yields of Brazil and the Philippines have also increased by 102% and 72%, respectively.

"Biotechnology is the ideal tool for farmers to improve their profitability through reduced input cost and improved yields," said Muhammad Asim.

Read the original article from BIO SmartBrief and The News International.