Biotech Updates

PABIC Collaborates with ICCBS and HEC for Science News Writing Course

October 24, 2018

An "English News Writing Skills Development Course" jointly organized by the Pakistan Biotechnology Information Center (PABIC) in collaboration with the International Center for Chemical and Biological Sciences (ICCBS), the University of Karachi, and the Higher Education Commission of Pakistan was conducted on August 29 to October 23, 2018 at University of Karachi, Pakistan.

The course was conducted to make science simple and understandable to the common person so that anyone can understand the importance of science such as modern biotechnology. It was attended by more than 30 researchers and science students. The audience said that the course was very helpful, as science news can sometimes be difficult to comprehend for the public because of certain terminologies and language. They added that they are now able to write news in a language that is more understandable for the public.  The course was relayed nationwide in various universities of Pakistan and also through video conference facility under the project Virtual Education Project Pakistan.

For more about biotechnology developments in Pakistan, visit the PABIC website.