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Production of Genome-Edited Rats Using rGONAD Method

August 15, 2018

A novel CRISPR-Cas9 method called Genome-editing via Oviductal Nucleic Acids Delivery (GONAD) was initially developed in mice. Working from this method, the team of Tomoe Kobayashi, Masumi Namba, and Takayuki Koyano from Shigei Medical Research Institute developed the "improved GONAD" (i-GONAD), which does not require ex vivo handling of embryos, to work on mice. However, the technology has been limited only to mice. In the latest study, the team aimed to apply their technology to rats (rGONAD).

To investigate the feasibility of the method in generating genome-edited rats, the team targeted the tyrosinase (Tyr) gene. Some of the generated mutant rats showed albino-colored coat, indicating the disruption of Tyr gene. Furthermore, the team confirmed that rGONAD can be used to introduce genetic changes to the rat genome.

The rGONAD method demonstrated high efficiency in producing knock-out and knock-in rats. The method can also be readily applicable in guinea pigs, hamsters, cows, pigs, and other mammals.

For more information, read the article in BMC Biotechnology.