Biotech Updates

Japan to Finalize GE Labeling Requirements Soon

March 14, 2018

The expert committee of Japan's Consumer Affairs Agency is expected to decide on the country's GE labelling requirements by the end of March 2018. This is according to the Global Agricultural Information Network (GAIN) report released by the USDA Foreign Agricultural Service.

As part of the ongoing review by the committee, information discussions were held about a possible stricter threshold for the use of voluntary "non-GE" labeling. However, some members of the expert committee have expressed their concern that foreign grain and oilseed supplies could be affected if a stricter standard would be implemented. The concept of stricter requirements for "non-GE" labelling is expected to be discussed in the upcoming (and possibly the final) expert committee meeting.

For more details, read the GAIN report published by the USDA-FAS.