Biotech Updates

Murdoch University Researchers Increase Wheat Protein to More than 14%

August 24, 2016

Researchers at Murdoch University in Australia have increased the protein content of wheat to more than 14 percent in a new high-yielding variety.

Dr. Ian Edwards, adjunct professor and head of wheat research project at the Western Australian State Agricultural Biotechnology Centre (SABC) said that increasing the protein yield of Australian crops will increase the revenue that Australia receives for its wheat crop.

Dr. Edwards and his research team have worked for nine years to develop a wheat variety with more than 14 percent grain protein content (GPC), which requires less nitrogen fertilizer per unit of grain protein. The new wheat variety, named Tungsten, has been tested in National Variety Trials and is now ready for full commercialization in 2017.

For more details, read the news release at Murdoch University website.