Biotech Updates

USDA Issues Preliminary Extended Determination of Nonregulated Status for V11 Potatoes

December 9, 2015

The USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (USDA APHIS) granted the request of JR Simplot Company to extend the determination of non-regulated status of V11 Snowden Potatoes. The GE potato has low acrylamide potential and reduced black spot traits. Plant pest similarity assessment of APHIS showed that V11 potatoes are unlikely to pose plant pest risk and thus, should no longer be regulated. APHIS also prepared an Environmental Assessment and reached a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI).

"V11 potatoes will have no significant impacts, individually or collectively, on the quality of the human environment and will have no effect on federally listed threatened or endangered species, species proposed for listing, or their designated or proposed critical habitats," according to the APHIS document.

Read more information from APHIS.