Biotech Updates

Australia Court Rules in Favor of GE Crop Farmers

September 23, 2015

The Australian Court of Appeal ruled that GE crop farmers should not be limited in their operations to accommodate nearby organic farmers. This ruling was made after an organic farmer filed a case against his neighbor who was planting GE canola, leading to his loss of organic certification. According to the Court, organic farmers are not entitled to extend their rights on neighboring farms.

The American Council on Science and Health applauds the court's decision. "It would be untenable for farmers who want to use the latest in agricultural technology to be restricted by the wishes of their neighbors. No one would advocate for conventional farmers to spray their insecticides or fertilizers on their neighbors' organic crops, but to expect them to control wind drift is totally unreasonable," said Dr. Ruth Kava, ACSH senior nutrition fellow.

Read more details from ASCH.