Biotech Updates

OGTR Releases Licence to UQ for GM Sugarcane Field Trial

August 19, 2015

The Office of the Gene Technology Regulator (OGTR) of Australia issued a licence to the University of Queensland (UQ) to conduct field trial of GM sugarcane with enhanced sugar content. OGTR allowed the trial to take place from August 2015 to May 2020 in Burdekin, Queensland. The maximum area for the trial is 5ha for field testing with additional 200m2 for nursery facility and 1,000m2 for storage and disposal of plant material.

The field trial will be conducted to assess the field performance of GM sugarcane and to pinpoint the GM lines exhibiting enhanced sugar content. The project leader of the study is Dr. Luguang Wu, senior research fellow UQ School of Agriculture and Food Sciences.

Read the notification of license decision from OGTR.