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EFSA Releases 2013 Annual Report of its Scientific Network for Risk Assessment of GMOs

January 22, 2014

In accordance with European Food Safety Authority's (EFSA) strategy for cooperation and networking with Member States, the EFSA Scientific Network for Risk Assessment of GMOs (GMO Network) was launched in 2010. The overall goals of the GMO Network are to: improve dialogue among participants; build mutual understanding of risk assessment principles; enhance knowledge on and confidence in the scientific assessments carried out in the EU; and increase the transparency of the process among Member States and EFSA.

During its meeting in 2013, the GMO Network discussed the principles of statistical relevance and biological significance, the use of animal feeding trials in the risk assessment of GMOs, the development of environmental protection goals and the EFSA Guidance on the environmental risk assessment of GM animals. Following requests from EFSA, the GMO Network provided input to EFSA's scientific report "Considerations on the applicability of OECD TG 453 to whole food/feed testing" and to the project "Review of statistical methods and data requirements to support post market environmental monitoring of agroecosystems."

See EFSA's news relase at Access the Annual Report at