Biotech Updates

FAO and IAEA Release Ug99-Resistant Wheat in Kenya

September 11, 2013

A multinational effort supported by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and FAO marked a key milestone this week when Kenya's Eldoret University launched two new varieties of wheat resistant to the deadly wheat stem rust caused by the fungus Ug99.

The rust-resistant wheat varieties were developed with the support of an IAEA technical cooperation project, Responding to the Transboundary Threat of Wheat Black Stem Rust (Ug99), which involved more than 20 nations and international organizations.

IAEA Director-General Yukiya Amano said "Improving food security in developing countries through the use of nuclear techniques is an important priority of the IAEA. I am pleased that we have been able to make an important contribution to fighting wheat stem rust."

FAO Director-General Jose Graziano da Silva adds, "Wheat rusts, particularly the Ug99 strain, are a major threat to food security because rust epidemics can result in devastating yield losses. This international project involving affected countries, plant scientists and breeders and international organizations is a major breakthrough. It clearly shows the benefits of FAO/IAEA collaboration and that working together we can overcome the challenges we face."

For more details about this development, read the FAO news release available at: