Biotech Updates

A Gas that Helps Apples Stay Crisp

October 19, 2007

Apples lose their firm texture during storage because of the activity of various plant hormones. Although extensive precautions are being taken to properly store fruits so as to prolong their quality and crispness, “mushy” apples can not always be prevented. Studies made by the US Department of Agriculture’s Agricultural Research Service (USDA ARS) showed that the gas 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP) may help apples retain their firm texture even after long periods of storage. 1-MCP prevents fruit softening by suppressing the activity of ethylene, another gas that regulates fruit ripening and aging. Previous studies in the early 90’s showed that 1-MCP can minimize superficial apple scald, a peel-discoloring disorder that's a major storage problem. Other studies also showed that 1-MCP can inhibit fungal rots in apples stored under controlled-atmosphere conditions, which use specific mixtures of oxygen and carbon dioxide to slow ethylene production. Apples treated with 1-MCP stayed firm for three to six months longer than untreated controls.