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Thirteen Countries Endorse International Statement on Low Level Presence

November 21, 2012

An international statement was signed by thirteen countries to avoid the disruption of global trade brought by restriction of some countries to import agricultural commodities with traces of genetically-modified organisms (GMOs), particularly the products that contain low level presence (LLP) of impurities in terms of GMO presence. Countries from both the importing and exporting sectors have signed the statement namely Australia, Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Costa Rica, Mexico, Paraguay, Philippines, Russia, United States, Uruguay, and Vietnam.

The signatory countries have agreed to work collaboratively on the various issues of LLP so as to address the risk of trade disruptions resulting from LLP and facilitate international trade of agriculture commodities by developing practical approaches;  to ensure that the approaches include both food and feed;  and  to implement the International Workplan on Low Level Presence which structures the signatory countries' collaborative actions to reduce international trade risks related to LLP.

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