Biotech Updates

Monsanto's Bt Roundup Ready 2 Yield Soybeans Approved for Planting in Brazil

August 27, 2010

Monsanto Company announced that the National Technical Biosafety Committee finally approved the planting of Bt Roundup Ready 2 Yield soybean in Brazil. This is a significant step in the commercialization of Monsanto's first biotechnology trait developed for non-U.S. market.

"This is an important product for Brazilian soybean farmers because it protects against insects that cause significant economic loss in soybean production in Brazil, and provides the increased yield provided by the Roundup Ready 2 Yield trait," said Roy Fuchs, oilseed technology lead for Monsanto.

Monsanto will commercially release Bt Roundup Ready 2 Yield soybeans in Brazil when the global approvals in key export markets have been completed.

Read Monsanto's press release at;