Assessing the Impact of Banana Biotechnology in Kenya

ISAAA Brief 10-1999

Price: $ 25.00
Description: Due to the dearth of sound information on the socio-economic repercussions of agricultural biotechnology in developing countries, the international debate about the topic is often emotional, and it is mostly split according to ideological beliefs. This study attempts to contribute to a rationalization of the discussion by providing some empirical evidence. The potential impact of tissue culture technology in Kenyan banana production is analyzed.
Author: Matin Qaim
Published by: ISAAA
Copyright: ISAAA
Correct citation: Qaim, M. 1999. Assessing the Impact of Banana Biotechnology in Kenya. ISAAA Briefs No. 10. ISAAA: Ithaca, NY.
ISBN: 1-892456-12-5
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